Yuzu is the symbol of Yuzu Physical Therapy and Wellness because of my personal connection to Japan, love and enjoyment of eating delicious things, and yuzu’s connection with the immune system and health. This relates to physical therapy and activity also supporting a healthy immune system. Yuzu symbolizes our holistic approach to health, healing, and movement.

orthopedic conditions

soft tissue injury

hypermobility/connective tissue disorders

persistent/chronic pain

chronic fatigue



sports injury

what we treat

how we treat

hour long, 1:1 appointments

  • soft tissue mobilization, cupping, gua sha, myofascial release, visceral manipulation, neural manipulation, positional release, muscle energy techniques, direct and indirect techniques

  • Exercise, gentle mobility/stretching, range of motion, motor control, strengthening, weightlifting, resistance training, balance and proprioception training

  • posture training, joint alignment and control, ergonomics, yoga and pilates based exercises, taping, ring splint fitting, brace recommendations

  • pacing strategies, self management tools, individualized exercise program, breathing, sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system balancing

Insurance coverage

currently accepting:

Blue Cross Blue Shield
MVA insurance and out of network benefits

pending credentialing for other in-network insurance coverage

check back here for updates!